Michelle Hill, Intuitive Healer

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2021- A Time to Rebuild: A Channeled Message from the Arcturians

Dear being of light, as you embrace all that you have learned this past year/years, understand that it all occurred as it should.  You were brought to the edge.  You were forced to look down, to look up, to look back, to look forward.  You were on the edge.  Now, it’s time to take flight-this pertains to society as a whole.  Time to unmask and reveal the New Earth.  This shall occur in stages.  You just experienced phase 1, the unveiling.  This had to happen, everyone was masked.  Everyone had the quintessential blinders on; many still do.  It’s a phased-in approach.  Phase 2: 2021-still the clouds are moving and parting.  Still one must dig deep into their consciousness...that has not ever been accessed.  One can finally start to see the sun start to come through the clouds.  This revealing is not only to declare truths, but shame, guilt, faults.  The shadows are reflected by the sun.  One can now see the shadow; one can acknowledge the shadow because the light is shining so bright.  It is within such duality that the truth is revealed.  What does one really look like?  Take off the masks, it’s time to become authentic, pure.  Time to hold one another again.  To fight against injustice; to use your intuition; to declare sovereignty.  To prepare for global destruction.  This shall force a re-build.  

It’s like you tear down your old home-destroyed-the rubble is everywhere. Then you rebuild a beautiful home. It has the same foundation (soul) as before. The foundation is strong, it always has been. The foundation can withstand the storms. It’s the home that has been beaten up by inclement weather. Now, it’s time to weather the storm; tear down the old, and re-build the new. It’s like your neighborhood (they are referring to my personal experience just moving). People like the old, they are afraid and timid of the new (my home was a 1960s home torn down and rebuilt as a modern farmhouse...the neighborhood still has many 1960s homes). Yet, the old cannot withstand the new wave, the new vibration, the higher frequencies. The old cannot withstand the outside forces that are creating change (they are comparing this house example to what is happening to us, the ascension process). One must go down with the storm or agree to rebuild; to step outside of the comfort zone; to allow this new wave in. Some will remain in the old vibration (some homes will never shift/rebuild, even in your neighborhood, until someone passes away and “goes down with a fight”).  Yet, then the new shall enter.  The old will stay comfortable, sitting in the lazy chair watching the new rebuild around them...complaining how the new is destroying everything, when in reality, the old has always contributed to the destruction.  The old may not recycle, does not seek new ways of living, etc.  The old essentially destroys itself.  

The old holds onto trauma, the old sits with grief, the old is upset with the new because the new shines a spotlight on the insecurities, trauma, delicate structure of the old (ie. your neighborhood; your house is a new light, very bold, for all to see).  Those “on board” are shifting too-they look at their old homes and see what is wrong, what could be fixed, yet there are some who snark at your home.  It is reflecting the faults in their homes-the impurities, the faults, the cracks, the leaks.  Your home is in this light, this higher vibration, and it radiates new life.  It brings a new perspective, and it brings much needed change.  You are on the same sacred ground, the same foundation, and you saw how the house needed to adjust to this.  The foundation needed cleansing-it was confused.  It took a while to purge and get re-established (just as we humans are purging the old and transforming).  Just like you all are doing with your “physical homes,” your bodies.  We are not used to embracing more light, higher frequencies-so it is disturbing to some to feel these shifts; to shake out the lower density emotions; to purge, just like your home had to do.  

There are some who will fight the process, who will not recognize the shift or need to shift.  They will continue to do what does not serve their bodies.  They think their physical bodies can withstand the bad food, the negative emotions because in the past, it could.  Now, the physical is transforming and shifting at a rapid pace...some cannot keep up with it.  Some are more vulnerable than others.  Some are “set in their ways,” and it’s ok.  They chose this or are using their free will to help showcase the shadows because it cannot sustain.  The physical will either shut down or need repair.  During the shutdown phase, people either re-build or go down with the old home.  The foundation (soul) is still there, but it may have to transform in another dimension where it is able to experience that frequency in which it shall thrive.

2021 shall present these people with choices, with reflection.  It is the time where you agree to shift, or not-it is the pivotal moment, just as 2020 was the impetus for change.  This shall continue-the truths revealed-it is still a transitional year for most, however, it is a year in which those who have chosen to shift will be in a position to lead.  The light workers shall prevail in a grandiose fashion.  The light shall re-surface for many, depending on each individual’s phase-where they are at on the spectrum of light, so to speak.  More awakenings, more destruction, more shadows.  The light is seeping through the clouds, not fully exposed, yet for many it is a time of reflection, destruction, awakening, beauty, grief and loss.  Similar to 2020, it is a time of transition-new light shall emerge.  New life shall emerge and prevail.  The structure must come down first, then it shall be time to rebuild.

Are you ready to rebuild in 2021? Tell me how in the comments below!

Many Blessings~
