Michelle Hill, Intuitive Healer

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When I read Michelle’s blog about starseeds, I knew I had to reach out to her. I had initially wanted to activate my DNA strands, unbeknown to me that by our last session, my life would shift in timeline and begin a reality. We worked on Soulscension Activation for about half a year, where in each session we focused on aligning one of my main chakras. She pointed out parts of myself that I was denying, unaware of, or not wanting to let go. As life was unfolding, I was shaking myself loose of the old and realized everything Michelle had said from the start was beginning to manifest! By the end of the program, everything (the good and the bad) that we aimed to work on had a noticeable physical, emotional, and mental impact on me. Not only has she been integral in guiding me to open my own intuitive gifts, she has also pointed me to resources and other healing modalities that have been critical for my spiritual journey. Michelle is honest, professional, thorough, and encouraging. Did I also mention that she’s hilarious? There is always laughter when we connect. It was no coincidence that I stumbled upon her. And neither are you!

Siqi Huang