The Universe Brought You Here!
Let me Guess…
Your life appears amazing on paper, but you instinctively desire more (ie. sick of the “rat race”)
You have an inner or outer nudge that is guiding you to explore further into your existence beyond what is right in front of you?
You have heard the term “starseed” and want to explore more?
You Are searching for ways to heal mental imbalances, emotional disparity or physical dis-ease?
You Are Starting to see apparitions out of the corer of your eye, and you have the slightest clue what to do next?
You randomly stumbled upon this site…Welcome. You were divinely guided herE.
You found me!! It is not a coincidence… the Universe brought us together for a reason! My purpose in this lifetime is to help guide you along your spiritual ascension (awakening) journey as well as re-activate your starseed origins.
Ultimately, we all have a pure, divine blueprint of our soul that is waiting to be accessed and activated. It is often difficult to infiltrate this divine blueprint because of layers of trauma and trapped emotions that comprise our human bodies. I am here to help you chip away at the layers in order to activate your soul’s divine blueprint….and much more! In my signature Soulscension® program, I work one on one with clients through the various stages of the ascension (awakening) process.
My secondary mission consists of activating starseeds to their divine purpose on Earth. You may not be familiar with that term yet, and that is perfectly fine. My work tends to bring me those who are ready to embark upon the ascension journey, so you must be ready, whether you know it or not! Star seeds are those “awakening” in this now moment in order to maneuver their own ascension journeys and then subsequently guide others. If you are curious about your star seed origins, feel free to take my quiz. I also provide more information in my blogs and during my events.
If you feel lost or overwhelmed, don’t worry, I got your back..I have been there, done that. I know what it feels like to be in the trenches, but I also know what it is like to climb out and see the light at the end of the tunnel. I’m here to help you see and experience this magnificent light. I also know what it is like to feel alone on this journey, so I am here every step of the way...and I may throw in some entertainment to keep things light. We were sent on this planet to LOVE, but also enjoy ourselves and have fun! Let’s connect! Let me know how I can help you!

In this blog post you will learn about an amazing opportunity to make passive income that is a perfect match and convenient adjunct to what you are currently doing as a healer, lightworker or coach. You will be equipped with additional tools that will procure results for your clients in a tangible, quick, and effective way. See if this unique, unsaturated, ground floor opportunity is in perfect alignment for you!
~Offering your clients an additional tool that will procure results in a tangible, quick, and effective way for their healing journey
~How your intuitive and healing gifts provide a distinct advantage for you within this venture
~Understanding the power of high vibrational plant medicine and how to naturally integrate it into your healing or coaching business (hint: hear from the plants themselves)!
~Leveraging an unsaturated ground floor opportunity within a projected 47 billion dollar industry in 2028 (The company is only 3 years old with plans to expand globally in the very near future)