Looking back, if someone were to tell me that I would be a Reiki Master, writing a blog about Reiki and how it changed my life, I would say what the bleep are you talking about? What is Reiki (RAY-key) anyway? “Reiki is a healing practice that promotes relaxation and promotes a person’s natural ability to heal.”
So, you are cruising through life…things are good! You have a job that pays the bills, you have amazing friends, your kids are not acting like total maniacs, and your love life is on point. Let’s face it, you have food on the table, you live under a roof every night…of course things are good. In fact, you feel like you are on top of the world!
Have you ever experienced a toxic relationship, whether it be a family member, friend, co-worker or partner, a stranger, in which the other person sucks your energy dry? I have, and it most likely occurs on a daily basis without our knowledge. A person could enter the room, and I immediately felt my walls go up. I suppose this was an energetic protection system that was happening subconsciously.
If someone were to tell me years ago, “You are going to be channeling Galactic/Star Beings someday,” I would have laughed in their face.
I could wrap my head around providing Reiki healing and intuitive messages. However, channeling a different language and activating starseeds to their divine mission on Planet Earth? Now you are pushing it...
Yet, here I am...doing exactly that. My work has evolved from your typical Reiki healing into Galactic Shaman work. This entails working with starseeds, galactic beings and channeling a vibrational expression called “Light Language.”